American Marquetry Society



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"Who's Who"
in the AMS



The AMS FAQ, or Frequently Asked Questions document, is a resource where members and prospective members can get information about the AMS. Additional information can be found from a variety of sources including the AMS newsletter, from the web site, or from our new member packet.

Membership Questions

Who can join the AMS?
Anyone with an interest in marquetry may join the AMS.

Does my membership start on the anniversary date or is it annual?
Membership is by calendar year running from January 1st until December 31st. When you join, all newsletters for that year that have already been published will be sent to you. In effect, therefore, your membership is retroactive to the beginning of the year that you join. You have an option in the later part of a year to either start your membership in the current year or specify that you want to join for the New Year. If you join for the upcoming year you will receive your new member packet shortly after joining but your first newsletter would be the Spring issue, which is mailed in early March.

What are the benefits of membership in the AMS?
-The quarterly newsletter
-Free technical advice and suggestions from recognized marquetry experts
-Access to the complete Pattern Library
-The opportunity to exhibit your art at regional and national shows
-A membership roster
-Knowledge of the latest techniques and developments in marquetry
-New friendships and informational exchanges with other marquetarians
-Discounts on marquetry supplies from certain vendors

What methods are available for me to pay my dues?
At this time only personal checks are accepted (we do not recommend sending cash through the mail). On line payment through Pay Pal is being considered but not yet implemented.

How do I know if the AMS has received my dues?
If you are a new member, you will receive a new member packet shortly after joining. If you have not received this packet within 30 days of joining, contact the membership officer. If your dues are to renew an existing membership, you can check the Membership Roster distributed with the Newsletter in March. If an asterisk appears next to your name your dues have not been received.

How do I change my address?
Please mail your change of address to the membership officer.


AMS Organization Questions

Who is on the Board of Directors?
Each chapter of the AMS elects one person to be their AMS board representative. Thus, the number of board members equals the number of AMS Chapters. The list of board members is on page two of each newsletter.

What does the board of directors do? When do they meet? Why should I care?
The AMS board of directors' primary responsibility is to nominate and vote on officers for the national organization. The AMS directors do not meet face-to-face. The transaction of official business is all by Email or mail. Members of the Board of Directors are the primary communication link between their chapter and the national organization.


Local Chapter Questions

Are all members of local chapters, members of the AMS?
Not necessarily. These are separate organizations with separate memberships. Some local chapters require membership in the AMS and some do not. Chapters are separate legal entities and have their own by-laws.

How do I form a local chapter in my area?
You should check page 2 of the newsletter to see if there is a chapter in your area. If not, check your new member packet for an article on starting a chapter. Use your AMS member listing to find other AMS members in your area or contact local woodworking businesses to see if there is other interest in your area. You can contact the AMS President and/or Newsletter Editor to get the latest information about what is going on in the marquetry society.


Marquetry Resource Questions

How do I get information on tools for making marquetry? Where can I get veneer for my project(s)?
Look in the New Member Packet or online at the Resource Listing. Periodically an update to the Marquetry Supply Resources listing is published in the newsletter.


Semi-Annual Show Questions

Who is responsible for the annual AMS National Show? How are the hosting sites picked for this?
The Exhibition Chairperson is the coordinator for the annual show. The show site is on a volunteer basis with local chapters. Once a chapter volunteers and is approved to host a show the AMS will help in several ways to make the show a success.


AMS Publications Questions

How often is the American Marquetarian published?
The AMS newsletter is published four times a year: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Copies are usually in the mail to members by the 14th of March, June, Sept, and Dec.

What do I do if I don't get my issue in the mail or my American Marquetarian was mangled in the mail?
Email, telephone, or mail the Editor and a replacement copy will be sent to you.

Who is responsible for the AMS Newsletter?
The Editor is responsible for the production of the newsletter under the guidance of the AMS officers and the board of directors.

How much do writers get paid for articles?
The AMS is a non-profit organization and does not normally pay for articles. Reasonable expenses in producing the article will be reimbursed.

How do I submit an article in the newsletter?
Please send a copy with photographs (preferably in computer format but prints or slides are acceptable) to the Editor. The Editor will judge the content and be in touch with you about your article. The Editor has provided a guidelines for writers and photographers document which is available on-line, in the New Member packet or by mail.

How do I get my calendar item listed in the newsletter?
Deadlines for calendar items submissions are:
-February 20th for the Spring issue, for events after March 10th.
-May 20th for the Summer issue, covering events after June 10th.
-August 20th for the Fall issue, covering events after September 10th.
-November 20th for the Winter issue, for events after December 10th.

NOTE: Please send Calendar items to the Editor as soon as possible, rather than waiting until the submission deadline.

Items are to include the event name, date, contact person, telephone, email, URL, and/or a short notation.


Marquetry Safety Questions

Is marquetry a safe activity?
Marquetry in general is a very safe activity. However, power tools used in cutting veneer or the substrate for mounting the marquetry can be dangerous if used improperly or by individuals who do not respect the power of the tool and the momentum of a spinning blade. Sometimes things happen that can't be foreseen even if a person is very cautious. Many accidents happen when the worker is tired.

Take breaks and stay alert while using any power tools. Never work in the shop under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The technique of "sand shading" to darken pieces of veneer often uses a very hot burner to heat the sand. Obvious care must be taken to keep papers and wood (and your fingers) away from the burner at all times.


Miscellaneous Questions

How do I get information on marquetry classes?
You should contact your local craft institutions to get information on classes. Also, many instructors are listed in the membership listing that comes out with the Spring issue of the American Marquetarian newsletter. You may also want to check with local woodworking businesses about local resources.

Can the AMS help me meet other marquetarians in my area?
Yes, the AMS membership listing is a good place to find the addresses of others who like to do marquetry. You should also contact a local chapter close to your area to see if they have non-AMS members in their roster from your area.



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